External Libraries with the SpriteKit Visual Editor

I’m in the process of developing a library of useful, reusable components that could be dropped as an external library into a SpriteKit project.

They include things like my NodeComponent and an abstracted way of managing three different kinds of input from either macOS or iOS (single tap/left click, double tap/right click, and pan/mouse drag). It also has a physics component and a render component—things that come up in games of all different types.

The components often have a lot of editable properties that affect how entities behave in the game. Tagging these properties with the @GKInspectable tag allows you to use these components within the SpriteKit visual editor.

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Simon’s Instagram Top 9

These are my Top 9 posts from Instagram this year. A nice mix of stuff from my location studies (2, 4, 5, 7, 9), some concept work for my adventure game (1), and the results of my first art stream on Twitch (8).

Erin had been trying to convince me to do more illustrations of the places we travel to for years because she thought folks would like them. This year I finally started doing some and already they make up the majority of my top 9.

Turns out she was right.
