Concept thumbnails of a scene from my adventure game. Going for a beat up old bathroom out the back of a rural gas station. The kind of place where you only pee if you’re really, *really* desperate.
Stylised Pedals
My bandmate Patrick is starting a guitar, pedal, and amp review site called Always More Gear so I did some stylised vector illustrations of some of his recent acquisitions.
Last of the Life Drawing (for now)
We’ve now left Brighton so I won’t be able to go to any more Draw Brighton classes but these sessions have been super helpful.
Environment Practice: Brighton Coffee Shop
Another environment study of a coffee shop in Brighton. The reason for the extremely wide aspect ratio is that this will be a development asset for my adventure game which will use single assets for Macs, iPhones and iPads—see this post on setting up Photoshop documents for more details.
Stylised Life Drawing
Taking advantage of going to class with an iPad Pro.
Yet More Life Drawing
The Barley Mow
We were recently in Kemptown, Brighton where I came across this delightfully colourful pub with an overflowing flower box.
More Life Drawing
Taking advantage of the many classes I have access to at the moment.
Life Drawing
Lazy Panda
Totally not based on my current mood.